7300 S. Division
Grand Rapids, MI
49548 USA |
Phone: 616.455.7650
Fax: 616.455.1361 |
We at Werkema Machine would love to hear
from you regarding any questions you may have and are eager to assist you in any way that we can. If you would like additional
information or to be contacted, please click the email icon below. |
Tom Werkema - President
tomw@werkemamachine.com |
Mike Mehler - Project Engineer
mikem@werkemamachine.com |
Steve Werkema - Shop Superintendant stevew@werkemamachine.com |
Heather Smith - Accounting heathers@werkemamachine.com |
Werkema Machine Co., Inc.
7300 South Division
Grand Rapids, MI 49548 USA
(Fax: 616.455.1361)
Copyright 2013 Werkema Machine Company Inc., - Contact Us